• What Everyone Gets Wrong About EV Range

    Imagine this if you will: You’re getting ready to leave the house. At the end of the routine, you grab your phone. Only, it’s not sleek and thin as you’re used to. It is almost as thick as it is wide. You see, in this alternate reality, we didn’t settle for wimpy batteries on phones […]

  • My First Electric Vehicle: 10,000 Mile Ownership Update

    Why an Electric MINI? My wife Jing and I needed a second car. When looking for cheap vehicles, some electric vehicles showed up because of $7,500 tax rebates. We were after something small, thus affordable and easy to maneuver. MINI won us over the Leaf or Bolt in part to its cool/funky/cute style and MINI’s […]

    My First Electric Vehicle: 10,000 Mile Ownership Update
  • The Firehose Method of IT Support

    Even the most tech-savvy among us have had to look up some issue here or there; it’s the nature of the tech beast. This article will briefly cover an especially egregious example of how bad tech support can be from Microsoft’s very own “Answers” blog. A firehose overwhelms, inundates. Likewise, to “support” a user by […]

  • NFT’s – Collectible Media and Blockchain

    Explaining non-fungible tokens and their significance.

  • Nutrition Data Storage Hypothetical

    How much data does food require in the United States? Well, let’s find out. I’ll be using C, since it’s the lowest-level language many programmers are comfortable with, and it is plenty efficient enough to handle this task. The data required for one label can be expressed in a C struct with 42 data items, […]

  • Greenshot

    A free, feature-rich open source screenshot application for Windows.

  • Wen

    How and why I created Wen: Chinese Character practice.